Simone Attilio Bellezza
Simone Attilio Bellezza is Associate Professor of Modern History at the Department of Humanities of the University of Eastern Piedmont. He was Visiting Fellow at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute (2008 and 2019), the Centre for Advanced Study of Sofia (2014), the Harriman Institute of Columbia University (2016), the University of Toronto (2017), and the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (2021). His research interests include the history of the Ukrainian national movement both in Ukraine and in the diaspora, queer history and the history of the LGBTQ+ movement in Eastern Europe, environmental and animal history, and the process of democratization in post-Soviet Ukraine. His book The Shore of Expectations: A Study on the Culture of the Ukrainian Shistdesiatnyky (CIUS Press, Toronto, 2019) was awarded the Pritsak Book Prize by ASEEES in 2020 and is forthcoming in Ukrainian translation by Dukh i Litera in 2024. His book L’identità ucraina. Storia del movimento nazionale dal 1800 a oggi came out also in 2024 by Laterza. He is now the President of Memorial Italia.