Laura Quercioli Mincer

Laura Quercioli Mincer is a professor of Polish Literature and Culture at the University of Genoa. She focuses on Polish-Jewish culture and forms of memory transmission in literature and the visual arts. In 2020, the Sic! publishing house in Warsaw published the Polish version of her monograph La prigione era la mia casa. Carcere e istituzioni totali nella letteratura polacca (Więzienie było moim domem. Więzienie i instytucje totalne w literaturze polskiej; first edition: Rome 2014). Among her latest publications are the collective volume Arte visiva, luogo e memoria. Testimonianza e radicamento (2022) and A testimoni il cielo e la terra. Arte, nazione e memoria in Polonia e in Germania – 2002-2020 (2023, both published by Genoa University Press). Since 2010, she has been the editor of "La Rassegna Mensile di Israel," and since 2022, she has been the president of the Italian Association of Polish Studies – AIP. She is currently working on a monograph about the artist Mirosław Bałka. She is the lead of the nationally significant project (PRIN) Conceptualising and Representing the “Other” in the Polish, Ukrainian, Jewish and Yiddish Cultural Fields (2024-2025). She is a member of the Italian Association for Ukrainian Studies.