Olga Trukhanova

Olga Trukhanova, Ph.D. in Slavic Literature at Sapienza – University of Rome, is a Language instructor in the Department of Letters and Modern Cultures at the same University. In her research, she focuses on modern and contemporary Russian and Ukrainian literature with particular attention to Memory Studies, the relationship between Literature and Visual Arts, and Literary Reception. She is a member of the editorial board of various book series and scientific journals and the author of the book Il Vate, il Poeta, l’Esule. Brodskij rilegge Dante.

Recent publications: 

Trukhanova O., The Self and the Social in the Revolution of Dignity through the Lens of Ukrainian Contemporary Literature, “Zeitschrift für Slawistik”, 69 (3), 2024 [in press]
Trukhanova O., La memoria storica tradotta in letteratura. Il Holodomor raccontato dagli scrittori ucraini, in Regimi/Alimentari. Cibo e cultura materiale nelle grandi dittature, a cura di S. Bartolini, UNINT University Press, Roma 2024 [in press]
Trukhanova O., Michelangelo nella poesia ucraina, in Un letterato in viaggio. Liber Amicorum per Raniero Speelman, Rotterdam 2023, pp. 429-444.
Trukhanova O., V poiskach simmetrii. Andrej Bitov i ego poslednij roman, in “Russian Literature”, 2023, (CXLII), pp. 135-159, doi.org/10.1016/j.ruslit.2022.10.001
