Massimo Tria

Massimo Tria is Associate Professor of Russian Literature at the University of Cagliari. He is a member of AIS (Italian Association of Slavists), AISU (Italian Association of Ukrainian Studies), AISSECO (Italian Association of Central and Eastern European History Studies) and Memorial Italia. 
He has been teaching Czech Literature for several years, but he has recently become more specifically interested in 20th-century Russian literature and the post-Soviet cultural space, especially Russia and Ukraine and their mutual lines of contiguity and contrast, necessarily extending his analysis to historical and political science studies. His most recent lines of research have coagulated around the themes of shame, borders, memory and its reworking, and the historical self-representation of the countries of the Slavic world (Czechia, Russia, Ukraine) through cultural products.
As a professional film critic he has written several articles on leading filmmakers from Slavic countries.