Giovanna Siedina
is professor of Russian Language and Literature at the University of Florence. She has done research in the fields of 18th century Russian lexicography and of early-modern and 18th-19th century Ukrainian Literature. Her interests mainly lie in the reception of classical authors, especially Horace, in Ukrainian and Russian literature, and 16th-18th century Ukrainian Neo-Latin literature. Her other research interests are the reception of Dante in Ukraine and the use of the poetry of Taras Shevchenko, the Ukrainian national poet, in contemporary Ukrainian culture. Giovanna Siedina also directs the Russian language portion of the multilingual research project “Lessico dei Beni Culturali” and she does research on the Russian translations of Giorgio Vasari's Le Vite de’ più eccellenti pittori, scultori, e architettori.
Selected publications:
– Новолатинські віршовані прис в яти та передмови до Києво - Могилянськ и х поетик , in: A. Danylenko, S. Vakulenko (Hrsg.) , Studien zu Sprache, Literatur und Kultur bei den Slaven. Gedenkschrift f ür George Y. Shevelov aus Anlass seines 100. Geburtstages und 10. Todestages , Verlag Otto Sagner, München-Berlin 2012, pp. 341-370 , ISBN 9783866882058
– “ Поема ” Fasciculus Myrrhae… Йосифа Туробойського , in: Н . Білоус , Л . Довга , В . Михайловський ,Н . Старченко , М . Яременко (редколегія ), Theatrum Humanae Vitae. Studia in honorem Natala Jakovenko. Theatrum Humanae Vitae. Студії на пошану Наталі Яковенко , Київ 2012, pp. 435-460, ISBN 978-966-2449-15-0 .
– Joasaf Krokovs’kyj nella poesia neolatina dei suoi contemporanei, Bologna, I Libri di Emil, 2012, 224pp., ISBN 978-88-6680-024-8.
– Horace in the Kyiv Mohylanian Poetics (17th-First Half of the 18th Century). Poetic Theory, Metrics, Lyric Poetry, Firenze University Press, Firenze 2017, 216 pp., Identificativo DOI: 10.36253/978-88-6453-660-6, ISSN 2612-7687 (print) - ISSN 2612-7679 (online).